3.24 AM lecture

Baru aja kelar nonton film Jerry Maguire. Iya, film dengan soundtrack yang incredibly amazing itu; Secret Garden and inspired me to write a post, the other day. Masih pukul setengah empat pagi tapi saya sudah mewek-mewek kayak ABG yang diputusin pacarnya *halah, sampai sekarang juga gitu kale, La.. hehe*

Ada banyak moral of the story.
About relationship, about achievement, about something that money can't ever buy. Oh ya, about happiness... about feeling lonely.. about how you say things to people in a nice way...

Saya memang paling capable untuk bicara cinta, sih... *hey, I'm a professional here! hehe*
karena itulah, yang ingin saya bilang sama kamu di hari yang masih sangat pagi ini adalah..

  • don't say anything, unless you mean it.
  • don't rush on anything before you're getting there.
  • there are things that really need to be said or done, but there are things that maybe... should just wait to be said... or be done

It's not heaven, nor hell.
Some people may get the second chance, and some don't.

Jadi jangan ke-GR-an kalau kamu .. okay, saya juga... adalah termasuk orang-orang yang beruntung mendapatkan kesempatan kedua. Because you know what? Luck.. is a privilege... for someone.. who really deserves...

Good Morning, Everyone!
Have a great day, yah...

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