
Pernah merasa ini:

waiting for someone's calls... news... wondering whether he/she's okay... so afraid that something might had happened...

but then that someone's giving you the short notice,
and somehow, it doesn't please you at all?

Pernah akhirnya merasa:

why do I even bother to worry? to think? to spend my time wondering around like crazy?
when at the same time, that someone just laughs at you and thinks that you are overreacted.
Sehingga membuat kamu merasa menyesal telah menunggu kabar darinya?
and wish that: ngapain sih ngabarin? ngapain sih nelepon? ngapain sih ngasih tau? Kalau akhirnya cuman bikin kesel.......

This is my lifetime insanity.
Dan saya belum tahu, rumah rehab mana yang bisa menyembuhkannya....

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